Susan L. Beecher, Attorney for Families and Small Business in Kent, Washington
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This website and its contents provide general legal information that may be helpful to the general public. It is necessarily general in nature, and is not legal advice. Legal advice requires an analysis of the law as applied to the client’s specific facts. Each client’s legal needs are unique, and competent legal advice can only be obtained through direct consultation with an attorney. You should not rely on this or any website for specific legal advice without first consulting a licensed attorney.


While every effort is made to keep the information posted here current, there is no guarantee that the law has not changed. Susan Beecher is licensed to practice only in Washington State, and this information may be inapplicable in other jurisdictions.


Viewing this website or exchanging email with Susan Beecher does not create a business or professional relationship. No attorney/client relationship will be formed without a formal, written engagement agreement.

Licensed only in Washington State

Serving the needs of families and small business